







Beneath both feet of Boötes mark the Parthenon,, who in her hands bears the gleaming Ear of Corn. Whether she be daughter of Astraeus, who, men say, was of old the father of the stars, or child of other sire, untroubled be her course!

But another tale is current among me, how of old she dwelt on earth and met men face to face, nor ever disdained in olden times the tribes of men and women, but mingling with them took her seat, immortal though she was. Her men called Dike……then verily did Dike loathe that race of men and fly heavenward and took up that abode,





Hesiod in the Theogony says this figure is Dike, the daughter of Zeus and Themis. 

Aratus, who takes the story from Hesiod, says that Dike was immortal and formerly dwelt on earth among the human race.When humans began to change for the worse and no longer to uphold justice,she did not remain among them, but withdrew to the mountains. Then, when civil strife and wars beset the human race because of its total injustice, she despised mortals altogether and went up to heaven. 

There are numerous other stories concerning this constellation. Some say it is Demeter because of the sheaf of grain she holds, 

others say it is Isis, others Atargatis, others Tyche and for that reason they represent her as headless.

The figure has one faint star on the head [ν?]; one star on each shoulder [?, ?];two on each wing [β, η?, ε, ρ]: the one on the right wing between the shoulder and the wingtip is called Protrygeter [ε] [“preharvester”]; 

(英译参考女性博士Theony Condos)




About twenty stades away from Elateia is a sanctuary of Athena surnamed Cranaea……and on the shield is wrought in relief a copy of what at Athens is wrought on the shield of her whom the Athenians call the Parthenos.




Hesiod says this figure is Themis, the daughter of Jupiter; 

but Aratus says she is the daughter of Astraeus and Aurora, and that she reigned over the human race during the Golden Age of mankind. Because of her diligence and fairness she was called Iustitia. At that time no neighboring nations were provoked to war by others, nor was any transport utilized, since the human race cultivated the fields for its livelihood. But after the death of that generation,those who were born became less dutiful and more greedy. And so Justice withdrew from among men. Finally, the calamity came to such a point that the bronze race of men was born. And she, unable to bear any more, flew up to the stars.

Others say she is Fortuna, others Ceres; between the two, the latter is less likely because her head is very obscure. 

Many say she is Erigone, the daughter of Icarius, about whom we spoke earlier. 

Others say it is Apollo's daughter by Chrysothemis, who as an infant was called parthenos, and who,because she died young, was placed by Apollo among the stars.

(拉丁原文参考la.wikisource.org,英译参考女性博士Theony Condos)



Virgin Astraia, nurse of the whole universe, cherisher of the Golden Age, received Beroe [i.e. the goddess of the city of Beruit, which was famous for its law-courts] from her mother into the embrace of her arms, laughing, still a babe, and fed her with wise breast as she babbled words of law. 

With her virgin milk, she let streams of statutes gush into the baby's lips, and dropt into the girl's mouth the sweet produce of the Attic bee; she pressed the bee's riddled travail of many cells, and mixed the voiceful comb in a sapient cup. 

If the girl thirsting asked for a drink, she gave the speaking Pythian water kept for Apollon, or the stream of Ilissos, which is inspired by the Attic Mousa when the Pierian breezes of Phoibos beat on the bank. 

She took the golden Cornstalk from the stars, and entwined it in a cluster to put round the girl's neck like a necklace.







15世纪作者Cosmè Tura,意大利,斯齐法诺亚宫的壁画《八月的寓言:克瑞斯的胜利》:




















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